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Regular Faculty Probationary Appointments

BOT 4.2.7

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Policy Statement

4.2.7 Probationary Appointments 

进行试用期任用审查,允许单位, 学院、大学对见习教员进行正式考核 成员在获得终身职位过程中的表现,以及何时 applicable, to offer guidance for the future tenure review.

正式教员的试用期总和不得超过 超过七(7)年的全职持续任用 (not including unpaid leaves) at the University. Allowance may be 给予不超过三(3)全职工作年数相当于一个 其他高等学校的学术性质 助理教授或以上学历,担任图书馆员或全职馆员 service as a visiting faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher at the University.

如有一(1)年的先前服务津贴,则 试用期为三(3)年,合同期满 续签审查将在最初的第二年进行 3-year contract. If the contract renewal is successful for a 2-year 合同,任期审查将在第五次任命时进行 year unless extended per Section

如果给予两(2)年的先前服务津贴,第一 试用期为三(3)年,合同期满 续签审查将在最初的第二年进行 3-year contract. If the contract renewal is successful, the tenure 除非延长,审查将在第四个任命年度进行 per Section

If three (3) years of prior service allowance is given, the probationary appointment will be for four (4) years. The tenure review 会不会是唯一的正式审查,会不会在第三次进行 appointment year unless extended per Section However, at the time of appointment, if the candidate 申请和院长批准后,将进行终身教职前审查 the second year of the initial 4-year contract

See table below.

确切的年数相当于试用期将 be stipulated in writing as a part of the appointment process. Years granted for prior service count towards promotion eligibility. Years 如所述,先前的服务会影响休假资格 in Section 4.2.25.

If allowance for previous service is stipulated, it shall not subsequently be changed, rescinded or revoked. Notwithstanding any 其他规定校董会的政策,定期教员 会员试用期一经确定,不得延长.

如果先前的服务没有津贴,一名教员 将被任命为最初的四(4)年期间和第一个 这项任命的正式审查将在冬季学期进行 of the third year. If the first formal review is successful, the 教职员工将有资格获得三(3)年的续聘.

第二次正式审查发生在冬季学期 sixth year of the probationary period. The second formal review will be the tenure decision.

如果先前的服务没有津贴,如果 first formal review is not successful, the fourth year of the probationary appointment will be honored as a terminal year. In the 先前服务的事件津贴不给予,如果第二个 正式审查,发生在第六年,是不成功的 第7年的试用期将作为最后一年.

如果事先服务的津贴是由院长提供的 以上,院长的任命书应说明的长度 首次任命和审查周期,以进行正式审查和 tenure review.

如果初始合同开始于冬季或春季/夏季学期,那么 试用期将从下一个秋季学期开始,并且 the length of the initial contract is extended (See Section

Notwithstanding the foregoing in Section 4.2.7, by March 30 of 预备教员的学年 formal review is not being conducted pursuant to Section 4.2.10 (typically, the first, second, fourth, or fifth year), the 院长可以指示或单位可以投票决定进行合同审查 在接下来的秋季学期的上半学期 year. The written notice to the faculty member of the review must 包括对审查的解释和声明 如遇考核不合格,将在本年度进行考核 terminal year. Other than being conducted during the fall semester, 这种审查将按照通常定时合同的程序进行 renewal as called for in Section 4.2.10, with the unit and the College Personnel Committee voting 向院长建议或不建议提前终止.

如果试用期教员的合同被终止 review year will be the terminal year. Renewal Of Probationary Appointments. The 审查教员的试用期任命将导致一个 三年续借,两年续借,一年续借,或者 non-renewal. Appointment renewals for regular faculty on probationary appointments normally will be for a period of three (3) years. A 三年的续期表明教员正在开会 criteria. A one or two-year renewal may indicate that the faculty 成员有性能问题,通常阻碍进步 tenure. A renewal for less than three years may be recommended if:

A. The faculty member’s Unit recommends a one (1)或二(2)年续签,且建议被接受 College Personnel Committee;

B.The College’s Personnel Committee recommends a 一(1)年或二(2)年续签,并推荐被 the Dean;

C.The Dean recommends a one (1) or two (2) year contract and 向学院人事委员会说明采取上述行动的理由;

D.教务长决定是一年还是两年的合同 向院长及学院人事委员会说明采取上述行动的原因;

A one or two-year renewal may also be recommended if:

A.The three (3) or two (2) year period extends 超过正式教员的总试用期;

B.正式教员没有被接受的终端 degree in the discipline.

试用期不续期,即表示 教职员工迄今为止的表现不保证将来的考虑. Extending Probationary Appointments by Pausing the Tenure Clock. A faculty member 可以暂停工作,要求延长试用期 任期时钟使他们可以退出教学,兼职工作 或者继续全职工作,同时参加其他承诺. 教职时间的暂停不会对教职员工造成影响 member in regards to any upcoming personnel reviews. A request for an extension may be submitted regardless of pay status; i.e. full pay or full or partial unpaid leave of absence. A request must be made in 在与教员所在单位协商后写信给院长 head. 院长可以批准最多两(2)年的申请 total during the probationary period. Approval of the request will 导致合同续期的推迟和/或 任期审查和新的审查日期将在院长报告中规定 approval letter. Unless mutually agreed to by the faculty member and 院长,新的审查应在冬季学期进行 following the schedule of Section 以下是教师在下列情况下 may be approved for an extension of the probationary period:

A. Faculty member's significant health issue, illness or injury;

B.The birth or adoption of a child (available to both mother, father and household member);

C. Substantial care giving responsibility for a person residing in the household or someone listed in Section;

D. Military service obligation;

E. Current immigration status does not permit tenure;

F. Unforeseen and significant disruption that is outside the 教员的控制与某一领域直接相关 合同续期或任期的评估标准见 Section 4.2.9;

G. Changes in appointment to either part-time work or administrative assignment; or

H. An unpaid leave of absence pursuant to Section

