Our Faculty

Allied Health Sciences

Jenny Baweja

Jenny Baweja, MS, CTRS, CIFT

Program Director, AHS
Office Address: 420-A RFH
Phone: (616) 331-5856
Email: [email protected]

作为一名娱乐治疗师,珍妮的专业经验广泛应用于患者护理领域. At the beginning of her career, 她被聘为辅助生活运营管理团队的一员, 专门从事痴呆症护理和生活丰富的居民, families, and the community. Next, she worked at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, focusing on patient care outcomes, quality improvement, 康乐治疗服务的标准化评估程序, and wellness initiatives for patients and employees.

珍妮在大峡谷州立大学获得了治疗娱乐理学学士学位. Her Master's Degree from the California University of Pennsylvania is in Exercise Science with an emphasis in Rehabilitation Sciences. She has been a Certified Health Coach, Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer. 这些教育工具使她能够在Mary Free Bed的John Butzer研究中心工作 & Innovation as a Research Recreation Therapist developing study protocols and implementing a grant-funded research project to identify both physical and socioeconomic outcomes relate to exercise strategies. 她还利用自己的教育成为了健康和保健行业的小企业主. Currently, Jenny is pursuing a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership at Indiana Wesleyan University and focused on teaching students majoring in health care fields.

Jenny在Michigan Therapeutic Recreation Association的董事会任职超过十年. 她也是娱乐治疗基金会的普通会员. 这个全国性组织支持娱乐治疗领域的研究. 她的兴趣包括研究、领导、道德和指导学生.

Schedule an advising appointment with Jenny Baweja

Kelly Aubry

Kelly Aubry, PT, DPT

Office Address: 特拉弗斯城区域中心- 2200 Dendrinos Drive, st . 15
Phone: (231) 995-1859
Email: [email protected]

凯利是一名有执照的物理治疗师,具有急性护理物理治疗的背景. Prior to joining GVSU, Kelly worked in direct patient care within the critical care areas of both Sparrow Hospital and Spectrum Health System. Specifically, 她在神经系统方面有丰富的工作经验, trauma, and cardiac intensive care units. In recent years, 凯利扩大了她的角色,成为博士级物理治疗学生的临床讲师. 她曾参与制定机械通气患者的早期活动方案, and ICU mobility equipment initiatives and training. 她还担任教育联络员,为治疗人员提供继续教育的机会.

Kelly received her bachelor's degree in Kinesiology with a specialization in Health Promotion from Michigan State University, 她还在那里创立了密歇根州立大学物理前治疗协会. 她在加州奥克兰的塞缪尔·梅里特大学获得物理治疗博士学位. 凯利的专业兴趣包括中风康复, early mobilization in the ICU, and clinical education.

Stephanie Knighton

Stephanie Knighton, MPA, CTRS

Office address: 423 RFH
Phone: (616) 331-5509
Email address:  [email protected]

斯蒂芬妮的专业背景是娱乐治疗领域, 在不同的卫生保健机构与众多人群一起工作. Stephanie’s experience began working with children with chronic and life-threatening illnesses at a Serious Fun Network summer camp in upstate New York. After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree, 她搬到了蒙大拿州,在一家精神病住院医院和孩子们一起工作, 重点关注休闲治疗服务的利用, quality improvement, 以及协议和标准化评估的发展. Stephanie’s professional background also includes working with Veterans and the aging population in a long-term care facility. This experience resulted in thorough research on the role of leisure for veterans through history and a professional presentation at the Art of Aging Conference.

Stephanie获得了大峡谷州立大学治疗娱乐专业的理学学士学位. Her Master’s Degree, also from Grand Valley State University, 是公共管理专业,重点是卫生管理. Stephanie is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) and is a member of the Michigan Therapeutic Recreation Association (MTRA). 她的兴趣包括项目开发、质量改进和创新学习解决方案.

Kerry Mohney

Kerry Mohney, M.A., R.T. (R) (M)

Office Address: 420-N RFH
Phone: (616) 331-5527
Email: [email protected] 

Kerry Mohney于2015年加入GVSU,担任联合健康科学(AHS)计划的教员. She enjoys sharing applicable experiences with AHS students from her 14 years of medical imaging program leadership and 21 years of working with patients in radiography, mammography, and computed tomography (CT).

Her career began with radiography program completion and national certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). 她还在乳房x光检查方面获得了额外的art认证. Kerry earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Sciences at Western Michigan University and continued at WMU in completing a Master of Arts in Education and Professional Development. She earned instructional design certification through the American Society for Training and Development (TD) and recognition in Quality Matters instruction through the Education Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM). Kerry was awarded the Educator Award for the Michigan Occupational Dean’s Administrative Council (MODAC) for the co-leadership in the development and management of the Michigan Radiologic Imaging Sciences Consortium.

Her current research interest at GVSU is the assessment of mammography techniques used in obtaining quality images for patients with physical disabilities. She has published in this area of research and has presented research results on this topic in several state radiologic technologists society meetings.

Kerry is the coordinator for AHS 490, 哪些学校提供与联合健康科学项目相关的医疗保健实习机会. Kerry is an advisor for students interested in the MIPERC Interprofessional Education (IPE) advisor for serves on the Van Buren County Intermediate School District’s Advisory Team for Allied Health Education.

Kerry serves as chair of the Research Committee for the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences. She is a member of the Michigan Society of Radiologic Technologists (MSRT) and Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists (OSRT) and provides presentations for both organizations. She is also a member of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) and values the teaching insights gained through membership in the Educational Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM).

Schedule an advising appointment with Kerry Mohney

Chad Sutliffe

Chad Sutliffe, MHA, MED, NHA

Office Address: 420-O RFH
Phone: (616) 331-5526
Email: [email protected]

Chad’s professional background is in educational leadership, clinical research, and healthcare administration.  Before joining GVSU’s faculty, 他的职业生涯始于小学教师,随后在学校管理部门工作了7年.  Chad transitioned into a healthcare career starting at Spectrum Health where he worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator facilitating all Emergency Medicine studies in coordination as an appointed faculty with Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.  This experience resulted in numerous research publications with a number of current studies underway for an upcoming publication.  乍得还担任频谱卫生机构审查委员会(IRB)的任命成员。.

他获得了养老院管理员执照,并在加入GVSU之前的最后几年从事管理工作, consulting, 研究非盈利和盈利性环境下的长期护理.  Chad has also served on numerous local and state professional associations focused on long-term care leadership along with access and quality of care to seniors.

查德在基石大学获得文学学士学位(基础教育), and both a Masters of Educational Leadership and Masters of Healthcare Administration from Grand Valley State University.  他目前正在印第安纳卫斯理大学攻读组织领导力博士学位.

Chad的研究兴趣是老年人的可及性和护理质量, clinical process improvement, and emergency management systems and education.

Schedule an advising appointment with Chad Sutliffe

AHS Visiting Professor, Jessica Vermeersch


Office Address: 420-H RFH
Phone: (616) 331-3687
Email: [email protected]

Jessica's professional experience is extensive, 曾在不同的卫生保健机构与众多人群工作. Jessica’s experience began within the patient care setting working with adults recovering from cardiovascular disease and surgery in downtown Detroit and its suburbs. After several years, she moved to Lansing where she was employed as part of the marketing operations team to lead community health education efforts, 注重积极的医患关系和高质量的结果. Jessica’s professional background also includes working at Spectrum Health having roles in physician and APP communications, and research and education operations. Here in Grand Rapids, she was able to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion education for resident and fellow physicians, 除了改善初级保健服务的质量和流程外,还要改善服务不足的患者群体.

杰西卡在西密歇根大学获得了运动科学学士学位. 她获得了诺斯伍德大学德沃斯管理学院的工商管理硕士学位. 她是美国运动医学学院认证的运动专家,并获得了BLS认证. 她的兴趣包括领导力、DEI、人口健康和指导学生.

American Sign Language

Misti Ryefield

Misti Ryefield, MS; RID:CT, K-12 4.8 SEC

Office Address: 420-M RFH
Phone: (616) 331-5554
Email: [email protected] 

Misti的专业背景是美国手语翻译. She started her career as an interpreter in public schools, spending 10 years interpreting in high schools. 随后,她转到私人执业社区口译,并拥有多个领域的经验, including medical, mental health, legal, business, and performing arts settings.

在大峡谷建立美国手语课程之前, she created a similar program at Muskegon Community College.

Misti在兰辛社区学院获得美国手语翻译副学士学位, and a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts with an emphasis of American Sign Language Interpreting from Sienna Heights University. Her Master’s degree in Psychology is from Capella University. 自2001年以来,她一直是美国国家认证的手语翻译.

Schedule an advising appointment with Misti Ryefield

Page last modified May 24, 2024