Strategic Planning and Assessment

下面你会发现GVSU运动训练计划的目标和目标定位程序, 学院及其学生将成为运动训练学科的卓越中心. 战略计划和评估每年进行一次评估,并与以下战略计划相关联:

Strategic Planning


大山谷州立大学运动训练计划的使命是培养专业人员,以提高运动员和身体活动的卫生保健质量. 准备工作由正式的指导、临床经验和研究支持.


The vision of the Grand Valley State University Master of Athletic Training (MAT) program is to provide exceptional education through the utilization of interactive classroom instruction and clinical experiences; preparing students to excel on the Board Certification Exam (BOC) and to enter the profession as qualified health care providers. MAT还努力促进和整合运动训练专业作为医疗保健网络的重要组成部分.


  • Innovative and diverse methods of teaching -我们通过多样化和创新的教学技术促进多种形式的内容交付.
  • Collaborative scholarly and creative activity - 我们认识到学术创造性工作对学生来说是一项高影响力的活动, 并重视教师和学生之间的互动,在追求这种形式的探究.
  • Physical literacy - 我们认识到终身保持身体活动的重要性,并重视其在身心健康中的作用.
  • Diversity and cultural competency - 我们重视教学、学术和服务的多样性和包容性. 
  • Inclusive living-learning communities -我们重视学生生活在“共享”社区的机会,允许更多的教师和同伴互动,并在社会和学术支持的住宿生活环境中增加协调活动和资源的机会.
  • Experiential learning - We promote experiential learning within our curricula. 学生通过沉浸在专业环境中学习应用知识.  
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving – We value the process of challenging current practices, examining and evaluating evidence, and questioning assumptions. 
  • Institute of Medicine core competencies – We value working as a part of interprofessional teams; delivering patient-centered care; practicing evidence-based medicine; focusing on quality improvement; and using information technology.

Program Goals

  1. 增加博天堂官方工作和学生对MAT项目的认识.
  2. Increase program retention rates.
  3. Programmatic outcomes will show a high level of student success.
  4. Increase programmatic resources to improve quality of instruction, 体育训练硕士项目的奖学金和服务.
  5. Promote and support academic programming.

Faculty Goals

  1. Promote and support faculty advancement.

Student Goals

  1. Promote and showcase student participation in AAC&U high-impact practices.

Student Learning Outcomes

(作为大学评估要求的一部分完成):根据学生的表现不断增加和更新评估(课程评估工具), BOC exam, etc.)

Clinical Experience Assessment


  • Bi-weekly Reports: Students or preceptors fill out the bi-weekly report. 报告可以采用进度报告、关注报告或纪律报告的形式.
  • Update Reports (4个学期):学生在他们的临床经历中完成4份更新报告.  This is a self-reflection on what they have learned, their experiences, and it details what they would like to focus. 报告的信息由指定的课程讲师(必要时可能包括临床教育协调员)审查,并根据需要与学生讨论结果,并与全班一起讨论主题.
  • Final Evaluation of Site/Preceptor by Student:  在每次实习结束后,学生将完成对临床地点和导师的最终评估.  这些信息将在学期结束后与导师共享.  这些信息是总结性的,因为是在体验的最后, 但它也具有形成性,因为它为每个导师提供了反馈,告诉他们在未来分配学生时,他们可以在指导学生学习方面取得哪些改进.





  • Midterm Evaluation: 导师会对每个学生进行中期评估,为他们提供总结反馈,告诉他们在后半段的学习中需要关注什么. Information is discussed between the Preceptor and Student.  临床课程的指导老师也将与学生回顾和讨论结果.
  • Final Evaluation: 导师完成学生在临床现场的经验总结,并提供他们准备进步的分数/信息. Information is discussed between the Preceptor and Student.  临床课程的指导老师也将与学生回顾和讨论结果.
  • Evaluation of Preceptor/Site by Faculty:  教师每年至少完成一次网站/导师评估,以确保网站符合合作协议标准,并确保学生得到适当的指导. 此表单与学生对站点/导师的最终评估相同.


这些信息由临床教育协调员收集,并与指定的导师传播信息. 这些信息也在定期会议上与AT教员共享,作为正在进行的临床经验讨论的一部分.

Page last modified September 10, 2023