SCCJLS Scholarships

William Hegarty Scholarship

Award: Up to $1,400

威廉·赫加蒂奖学金每年颁发给大峡谷州立大学刑事司法研究生, working in law enforcement.  

这项奖学金是为了纪念威廉·赫加蒂,他在警察生涯中接受了高等教育. Obtaining a degree while on the Oakland Police Department in California, Hegarty moved to Michigan State University for graduate studies. After completing graduate school, he joined the faculty at Michigan State. He left MSU to become the Director of Public Safety in Jackson, Michigan in 1972. 1974年,赫加蒂局长在纽约领导新罗谢尔警察局,直到他来到大急流城.  1982年至1997年,他担任大急流城警察局局长。1984年至1997年,他在Grand Valley刑事司法学院担任兼职教授. Chief Hegarty had a special fondness for GVSU and his teaching legacy lives on. He donated funds to establish Hegarty Criminal Justice scholarship when he retired

Scholarship Recipient:

  • 2020/21 - Shannon Bacon 
  • 2013/14 - Sean P. Burns
  • 2012/13 - Ross L. VandenBerg
  • 2011/12 - Ross L. VandenBerg
  • 2010/11 - Francisco F. Pena | Ross L. VandenBerg
  • 2009/10 - Francisco F. Pena | Benjamin T. Reuschel
William Hegarty

William Hegarty, Grand Rapids Chief of Police

Shawn D. Wiersma Criminal Justice Memorial Scholarship

Award: Varies

The Shawn D. 维尔斯玛司法纪念奖学金为计划进入警察或法律行业的刑事司法专业的大四学生提供.

这项奖学金是为了纪念2004年9月6日在一场悲惨的车祸中丧生的肖恩·威尔斯马. 肖恩因其通过市检察官办公室为荷兰警察局服务而被铭记, a client of the Cunningham Dalman P.C. law office where he practiced. 他在警察部门结交了许多朋友,并因其道德和品格受到客户和同事的高度尊重. In addition, 肖恩因在大峡谷州立大学刑事司法学院担任讲师而被人们铭记. 他深受学生和同事的尊敬,热爱自己的教学经历,这体现在他与学生的密切联系上. His commitment to education was unmatched.

Scholarship Recipients:  

  • 2020/21 - Hallie Ruegsegger
  • 2019/20 - Allyssa J. Zamarripa
  • 2018/19 -  Jessica R. Reece
  • 2017/18 -  Ashley K. Gesselman | Jodi L. Engel
  • 2016/17 -  Gabriela J. Diaz |  Michaela G. Merillat | Ross H. Barrett
  • 2015/16 -  Kailee N. Schuett | Kaylee M. McWilliams
  • 2014/15 -  Logan A. O'Neal | Catherine R. Irwin
  • 2013/14 - Stefan C. Bero | Asia L. Taylor | Kaylynn M. Watkins | Costas Ciungan
  • 2012/13 - Bradley S. Bennett | Sam J. Fearnow | Michael R. Hecko
  • 2011/12 - Larry D. Harris | Ryan L. Dannenberg | Megan M. Kennedy | Daniel L. Saldana
  • 2010/11 - Derrick A. Smith
  • 2009/10 - Jeffrey J. Hoogewind | Benjamin D. Walkington 
Shawn D. Wiersma

Shawn D. Wiersma

Mullendore Legal Studies and Criminal Justice Scholarship

Award varies; Renewable.

该奖学金的目的是表彰和奖励那些主修法律研究或刑事司法的学生,并鼓励他们参加博天堂官方机会. Legal profession is defined to include those who study, develop and apply law as a lawyer and also includes paralegals, legal assistants, law clerks, 或者其他法律专业人员,他们执行律师在律师监督下完成的工作.

This scholarship, created by James and Kristine Mullendore, James M. Mullendore在弗吉尼亚法学院获得法学博士学位,从事私人法律实践已有40多年. Kristine received her JD from the Boston University School of Law. Before joining the faculty of the School of Criminal Justice at GVSU, she worked as a pre-hearing attorney for the Michigan Court of Appeals, an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for the Kent County Prosecutor's Office, and an instructor at Montcalm Community College. As active members of the Michigan Bar and experienced legal practitioners, 穆伦多夫妇认识到经济支持对那些从事法律职业的人的重要性

Scholarship Recipients:

  • 2020/21 - Jessica Holstege | Emma Kinch | Noah Roberts | Cameron Schultz
  • 2019/20 - Kylee R. Boals | Madeline J. Clark
  • 2018/19 -  Holly M. Bohner | Kacey L. Henning | Olivia M. Browder | Kelly A. Jahnke | Raven J. Smith
  • 2017/18 -  De'Chelle J. Richards | Kacey L. Henning | Kelly A. Jahnke
  • 2016/17 -  De'Chelle J. Richards | Amanda G. Lewis     
  • 2015/16 -  Karen S. Miller | Jewel M. Haji | Monica R. Pilarski | Amanda G. Lewis            
  • 2014/15 -  Karen S. Miller | Brenda P. Garcia | Hannah J. Meyers | Andrew R. McInnis | Kayla E. Thompson | Megan E. McKeon| Erika M. Tribuzi | Monica R. Pilarski | Constance R. Turnbull
  • 2013/14 - Paige L. DeJong | Hannah J. Meyers | Kyle N. Tank | Erika M. Tribuzi
  • 2012/13 - Paige L. DeJong | Asia L. Taylor
  • 2011/12 - Derrick A. Smith | Matthew J. Peterson | Ashley S. Tate
  • 2010/11 - Andrea N. Suttner | Lauren F. Fritz | Kaitlin G. Sweet | Lindsay M. Tryc | Melissa M. Casalina | Ashley S. Tate
  • 2009/10 - Andrea N. Suttner | Alyssa M. Desgranges | Melissa M. Casalina 
James & Kristine Mullendore

James & Kristine Mullendore

Justice and Society Endowed Scholarship

Award varies; Renewable for a maximum of four semesters


这个捐赠基金是由格兰谷州立大学刑事司法学院的11名教员建立的,他们写了一本教科书, Justice & Society: An Introduction, and chose to designate any proceeds to fund this scholarship.


Scholarship Recipients:

  • 2020/21 - Olivia Grice | Shireen Salam | Stephanie Solis
  • 2019/20 - Grace E. Darling | Kelsie L. Gay | Shae O. Tatigian
  • 2018/19 -  Elizabeth E. Stuart | Shae O. Tatigian | Cameron L. Borns | Rose M. Walgenbach
  • 2017/18 -  Alisse H. Havlicek | Taijah M. Claybrook | John J. McGrath
  • 2016/17 -  Joshua P. Witherell | Abigail M. Elliott | Kilike Steyn
  • 2015/16 -  Christina E. Herrod | Joshua P. Witherell
  • 2014/15 -  Thomas A. Worm | Eric M. Donoghue | Christina E. Herrod | Jacob Grinwis
  • 2013/14 - Kaylynn M. Watkins | Brittany A. Johnson | Jessica R. Mac Vane | Megan E. McKeon
Book Cover: Justice & Society: An Introduction

Justice & Society: An Introduction

Scott A. Flahive Police Academy Scholarship

Award: $1,000

This scholarship is to assist students who are enrolled in the GVSU Police Academy.

This fund remembers and honors Scott Flahive,  On Dec. 13, 1994, 格兰德黑文警察斯科特·弗莱海夫在拦截一辆刚刚被追赶到城市边界的车辆时被枪杀,这辆车里有两名最近逃跑的罪犯. 当弗莱哈夫警官走近那辆车时,其中一名嫌疑人躺在后座上,用一把30-06步枪朝车门开了一枪, striking him and killing him instantly. 嫌疑人自首,枪手被判处多项终身监禁. The accomplices were sentenced to 10 and 15 years.

Scholarship Recipient: 

  • 2017/18 - Joseph C. Rohloff
  • 2016/17 -  Nicholas C. Evans
  • 2015/16 -  Brooke F. Lowe
  • 2014/15 -  Brittany M. Howard
  • 2013/14 - Seth A. Beelen
  • 2012/13 - Chad R. Buchholz
  • 2011/12 - Brett C. Bylsma
  • 2010/11 - Patrick S. VanDommelen
  • 2009/10 - Lucas M. Van Bragt
Scott Flahive

Officer Scott Flahive died in the line of duty on
December 13, 1994

Trooper Raymond Hoffman Memorial Scholarship

Award: $3,000

雷·霍夫曼来自一个致力于通过执法服务他人的家庭. His father and brother were in law enforcement for over 25 years, and his sister worked for Kent County dispatch for over 25 years as well. Ray began his education in criminal justice at Grand Valley State University (GVSU). 他从GVSU警察学院被召入密歇根州第108届警察招募学校,是有史以来最年轻的骑警. For 24 years, Ray happily served as a Michigan State Trooper at the Wayland post. He had the opportunity to take on many different roles in the State Police, 但他的热情是通过他在法医采访和安全港儿童虐待和忽视中心的工作来帮助保护和捍卫儿童. Ray was also well known in his community as a devoted husband, loving father, son, brother and friend. 这项奖学金的设立是为了纪念雷蒙德·霍夫曼警官对家人的奉献, friends, community, and the children he sought to protect on a daily basis. 希望雷的一生能激励奖学金获得者无私地为他人服务.


Scholarship Recipient:

  • 2020/21 - Olivia Grice | Andrew Mingerink | Tyler Postma
  • 2018/19 - Gerson S. Colorado | Lauren T. Rezler
A photo of Trooper Raymond Hoffman, Michigan State Police Wayland Post

Trooper Raymond Hoffman

External Scholarships

Paralegal Section of the Michigan Bar Association Scholarship

密歇根州律师助理/法律助理部门提供至少两项不可续期的学费/书费奖学金.  Scholarships generally range from $250 to $1,000.  For details and a current scholarship application.

NALS of West Michigan Scholarship

这项500美元的奖学金由全国法律专业人士协会西密歇根分会颁发,通常在每年秋季截止申请.  For further information, visit the chapter website:

Warner, Norcross & Judd Paralegal Assistant Scholarship

这项奖学金由大急流城社区基金会(Grand Rapids Community Foundation)管理,面向“主修律师助理……研究的有色人种学生”.  奖学金的描述和奖学金申请在基金会网站上: 

Scott A. Flahive Memorial Scholarship from the Grand Haven Area Community Foundation

申请人必须居住在Grand Haven或Spring Lake公立学区的范围内, 除非受助人不是仅仅因为在执法或刑事司法领域学习而居住在这些边界内, 在这种情况下,必须在接受者进行此类研究之前立即满足居住要求. 申请人不得被取消担任警察或公共安全人员的资格, whether by reason of physical or mental limitations, because of a prior criminal record, or otherwise; must have an express interest in, and a present intent to pursue, a full-time professional career in law enforcement and/or criminal justice; and must demonstrate an aptitude for study in the field of law enforcement and/or criminal justice, by a satisfactory GPA, work experience or recommendations.

Page last modified March 5, 2024