种族平等的指控 & 包容


大峡谷州立大学承认这一伤害, 愤怒, 恐惧, 也不相信我们的许多黑人教师, 工作人员, 学生, and administrators must feel following the reprehensible killing of George Floyd and the ongoing racial and social injustice that exists in our society.

We also acknowledge that the well-being of our entire 社区 rests on fulfilling the elemental promise that every member of our campus 社区 is welcomed, 支持, 受人尊敬的, 和重视. As an institution that educates the next generation of leaders, 我们会让他们失望的, 我们的社区, and ourselves if we do not act when we know that more than words are expected of us.

学习. 理解. 行为. 引领. 的 following are some of the ways Grand Valley will realize those standards against which we must be measured.

菲洛梅纳五世总统致辞. 曼

我们必须 elevate the voices and experiences of our Black faculty, 工作人员, and 学生.

我们必须 listen carefully, valuing each member of our 社区.

我们必须 实现我们的包容和公平目标.

我们必须 all deepen our understanding and knowledge through education.

我们必须 use this knowledge as the basis for understanding and addressing institutional and systemic racism and oppression to make meaningful change.

Phase 4/Ongoing: Introducing the 包容与公平 问责制 and 激活 Team (2022-2023)

的 顾问网络 (NOA) members have been at work since summer 2020 to advance 博天堂官方’s 15-point charge for racial equity. A second phase of work resulted in the adoption of eight high-level recommendations, including the creation of implementation and action plan development teams to further work to build a culture of educational equity. 在第三阶段, eight implementation teams were formed to focus on: (1) 教师指导, (2)员工辅导, (3)包容性招聘和聘用, (4)师资队伍建设, (5)员工氛围签到和离职面谈, (6)理解和认可教师, 员工对DEI的贡献, (7) DEI Professional Development for Admin and 学术领导, (8)员工的晋升途径. 的 implementation team leaders have been meeting over the summer and formulated over 40 recommendations for implementation.

Advancement of work initiated by the network and broader advisory/coordination efforts for inclusion and equity strategies will now be provided by the 包容与公平 激活 and 问责制 Team. 该团队包括来自每个部门的领导, 其他单位, and shared governance representatives from across the university and will be coordinated by the Division of 包容与公平. We look forward to working with colleagues across the university to advance this important next phase of our commitment to inclusion and equity, and welcome engagement and feedback from all members of the 社区. It will take each and every one of us to continue to create a culture of educational equity w在这里 all can thrive at 博天堂官方. While the charge and cadence of meetings will be co-created by the members of the team, 预计该团队将:

  • Advise the Division of 包容与公平 and president on matters related to DEI-AB
  • Review and consider university strategy, 指标, and planning related to DEI-AB
  • Review and provide insight on division, college, and unit progress for advancing DEI-AB 指标
  • 支持部门和学院/单位委员会, including providing space for shared learning or effective practices
  • Advise on action steps in response to DEI-AB related reports and recommendations, 包括气候调查, 平权行动计划, 和其他人
  • 支持与DEI-AB相关的校园消息传递
  • Support a DEI-AB training and development for employees.




  1. 教师指导
  2. 工作人员指导
  3. 包括招聘 & 招聘(包括集群招聘)
  4. 教师 & 员工队伍发展
  5. 员工气候签到 & 离职面谈
  6. 理解 & 认识到教师 & 员工对DEI的贡献
  7. DEI行政专业发展 & 学术领导
  8. 员工晋升途径

第二阶段:建议 & 正在进行的行动(2022年冬季)

2022年冬天, the 顾问网络 issued recommendations to the Senior 引领ership Team as part of Phase Two of their work. 大会核可了十项高级别建议. 进度正在被跟踪 在这里.

重新调整 & 重新定位(2021年4月)

虽然有几个 15点计划收费 已经完成还是正在进行中, the 顾问网络 has provided feedback that a restructuring of the work should be part of our next phase, 包括细化, 在一些地区, 原始电荷的扩展. 第二阶段侧重于四个承诺领域, with each Commitment Area overseen by one or more executive officers and led by teams and sub-teams comprised of subject-matter experts. 每个小组都被要求:

  1. As it is helpful, inventory and capture other university efforts for coordination within area.
  2. Identify 3-5 recommendations within the area by June 30, 2021, which may include:
    • Identify problems and/or opportunities and feasible solutions.
    • Draft recommendations that advance problems and/or opportunities.
    • Draft proposals for prototypes or initiatives (these can be brief and high-level or can be done in the next phase of work or assigned to specific offices as part of recommendations).
    • Rank proposals in priority order, associate a timetable, and identify resourcing needed.
  3. Review and refine initial high-level goal(s) for each area; further develop goal(s), 建立基准, 指标, 及时间表(每年或两次至2025年夏季). 的se can be high-level or detailed and offer areas for consideration.

2021年夏季晚些时候, the Network identified additional commitment areas and/or continue further work in these areas.



对自己进行反种族主义教育 & 白人特权


      视频 & 培训


      • 《在世界与我之间  ——塔-内希斯·科茨
      • 白色的脆弱性  ——罗宾·迪安吉洛
      • 妹妹局外人  ——奥德丽·洛德 
      • 如何成为一个反种族主义者  ——易卜拉欣·X. Kendi 
      • 下一次火灾  - 詹姆斯·鲍德温 
      • 《公正的仁慈:一个正义与救赎的故事  ——布莱恩·史蒂文森 
      • 《权力的滋味:一个黑人女性的故事  - 伊莱恩·布朗 
      • 维护地球治安  ——乔丹·T. 坎普,克里斯蒂安·希瑟顿
      • 所以你想谈种族问题  ——Ijeoma Oluo 
      • 你给的仇恨  - 安吉·约翰逊(青少年小说) 
      • Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-based Stress and Trauma  博士. 盖尔·帕克
      • 疗愈 《种族创伤:恢复之路  希拉·怀斯·罗著


      • 只是怜悯 丹尼尔·克莱顿  (6月份在Youtube上免费下载!)
      • 13th  ——艾娃·杜威内
      • 当他们看到我们  ——艾娃·杜威内 
      • 黑人力量混音带  - Gõran奥尔森 
      • 黑豹党  - 斯坦利·纳尔逊 
      • 玛莎·P·约翰逊的死与生  - 大卫法国 
      • 如果比尔街会说话  ——巴里·詹金斯 
      • 你给的仇恨  ——小乔治·蒂尔曼 



      博天堂官方 faculty, 学生, and alums working on a 社区 project.
