What to Expect from an Online or Hybrid Course

你可以期待的第一件事是,GVSU的在线和混合课程与我们的面对面课程达到同样的质量标准. Course sizes are small, ensuring student-faculty contact. 您可以期待使用推荐的最佳实践来设计课程, 支持在线学习者社区的发展.

在线课程和混合课程通常遵循常规的学期时间表,而不是自定进度. 而混合课程可能需要一些课堂时间或同步时间, and some synchronous time may be required for online, 大部分的课程都可以在网上找到,让你可以随时随地学习.  

Student Studying with Laptop


在在线课程中,与你的教授和同学交流是必不可少的. 在网络环境中有很多交流的方式.

Email & Google Apps
At GVSU, all students are provided with a Google Gmail account, and all email from the university is sent to this address. This includes any email sent from Blackboard. 你的教授或同学可能会从你的课程网站给你发邮件, and those emails will go to your GVSU Gmail account. 您不能自定义Blackboard以使电子邮件转到其他电子邮件地址, however, 如果需要,您可以将您的GVSU Gmail转发到另一个电子邮件帐户. 您将使用与Blackboard相同的Gmail用户名和密码. 如果您不知道或不记得您的密码,您可以从网站上的链接重置密码 Gmail log-in page.

In addition to email, you may find it useful to take advantage of Google Docs, especially for collaborative work with your classmates. You'll find access to these once you log-in to Gmail, 谷歌也提供了如何使用他们产品的教程.

Discussion Board
你的在线课程可能会有要求,包括在线讨论. Blackboard has an online discussion board as its primary means for asynchronous discussion. (异步意味着你不需要和任何人同时在线——你可以登录并在讨论板上发表你的贡献, 阅读同学所写的内容,并随时回复.) 

Other Technology Tools
你的教授可能会要求你使用社交媒体或其他各种技术工具进行交流和协作. If so, your professor will explain what you are using and how, and will be your main point of contact for assistance.


大多数在线或混合在线课程将使用GVSU的学习管理系统Blackboard. Think of it as your online classroom.

If you are unfamiliar with Blackboard, 有一个自定节奏的教程,将帮助您学习如何导航和采样它的许多功能. To access the online tutorial, go to Blackboard, and look for the link that reads "Blackboard Tutorial for Students". 您可以在不登录的情况下访问许多公共区域. 然而,交流功能只有通过自行注册课程才能使用. “+注册”按钮位于教程网站的左下方.

You will find Student Help for Blackboard on the eLearning website. GVSU's Student IT Service Desk offers technical support and assistance.

Download the Blackboard Mobile App

The Blackboard mobile app 为学生提供一种快速简便的方式与课程、内容和教师进行交互.

The mobile app includes the following features:

  • Access your courses and content
  • View course items and course announcements
  • Take assignments and tests
  • Participate in discussions

Virtual Office Hours and Live Class Meetings

有时,你的教授可能会提供虚拟办公时间或要求同步在线课堂会议. Synchronous 指的是每个人在同一时间开会——实际上是在指定的时间登录到Blackboard,并进入在线“直播”教室. GVSU uses Zoom to facilitate these meetings. 如果你有一个网络摄像头,那么你的教授和同学就能在你说话的时候看到你. 当别人说话的时候,你可以看到他们有网络摄像头. With a microphone, you can speak and be heard. 

Support information for Zoom can be found on the eLearning website. 

Online Learning FAQs

如果你是在线学习的新手,我们建议你从 "Are Your Ready for Online Learning?" webpage which provides these steps:


STEP 1 - Complete the Online Readiness Quiz 

STEP 2 Become Familiar with Expectations of an Online or Hybrid Course 

STEP 3 - Learn the Essential Skills for Success

STEP 4 - Review 在线学习所需的技术和计算机技能


  • Have reliable access to the internet
  • 在使用电子邮件和word之类的技术时要感到自在 processing tools
  • 能够快速学会在线搜索和成功获取资源
  • Know how to navigate and use tools in Blackboard

Please also visit our "Technology Requirements for Online/Hybrid Courses" page.

Blackboard GVSU使用的是企业学习管理系统吗. 该系统将为您提供“虚拟教室”, whereby your instructor will communicate with you through announcements, email, and discussion board activities. Assignments are 通常通过黑板、评分和反馈来促进. Some courses will also make use of Zoom for online office hours and live class sessions.

GVSU的在线和混合课程使用了该大学的企业 learning management system called Blackboard. Students will be 提供了校园网的用户名和密码来登录和使用 Blackboard可以从GVSU主页或通过导航访问 directly to: http://lms.azarnewsonline.com/

Faculty teach online courses in a variety of ways. Most courses use 异步类交付,不需要您在线 at a specific time on a specific day. We recommend reading the 按照教学大纲,跟上教授的要求. 一些教授也会在网上开设虚拟办公时间 Zoom (or other technologies) so that you can communicate live.

If you need help, do not wait, ask! 

如果你从未体验过在线学习,你可能会有一些 preconceived notions of what it will be like. Maybe you have heard from your peers that online classes are easy. In short, online courses 要求和面对面的课程一样多的学习,甚至更多 重视自我训练、自我激励和时间管理. Read our "Common Myths of Online Learning" webpage for other misconceptions of online learning.

就像传统课程一样,你可以期待有一个教学大纲 with a course calendar for due dates. Although you can access the 课程材料和参与异步讨论时,它是 方便的是,你仍然会有截止日期和到期日期. Be 一定要遵守课程时间表,并在线参与 discussion early and often.

如果你注册了在线课程,你将不需要 come to campus to take an exam. Your professor will have exams and assessments requirements outlined in their syllabus. Some courses may 使用在线监考软件,这将需要使用一个 webcam and microphone or headset.

虽然你的课程内容是全天候可用的,你可以亲自 be "in-class" in the middle of the night, your professor will be available during scheduled hours. Typically, your professor 会告知他们是否有空,并让你知道时间和方式 often they will be online or accessible. 

网络课程不是函授课程,函授课程是 通常是自主学习,独立学习,互动有限 the instructor. In an online course, however, you will have weekly course reading expectations, assignments with due dates, and regular and substantive interaction 与你的教授和同学交流. 课程将有一个明确的进度,截止日期,学生将 expected to follow the course calendar and schedule.

Page last modified June 27, 2024