Returned Students: Exchange, Provider, and Internship

Congratulations on completing an unforgettable adventure abroad! Returning from a study abroad program is often called "Re-Entry.“对于那些在国外度过大量时间的人来说,这是一种独特的经历. 本页将为您提供各种资源,以帮助您在此调整期间. 此页面适用于参加交换生、供应商计划或实习的学生. If you participated in a faculty-led program, please refer to the Returned Students: Faculty-Led webpage.

PIC pics photo contest


Submit photos by November 1, 2024, for a chance to win prizes!

Submit here!

Returned Student Series for Long-Term Study Abroad Students



Every semester, we host several events for returning students. Earn points by participating in at least three of our sponsored activities and submitting a reflection and you will receive a free graduation sash. The Study Abroad Mentorship Program is an exception to this requirement. 作为导师完成留学指导计划,满足免费毕业典礼的要求. 导师不需要参加留学指导计划之外的两个额外活动, but must still complete a reflection. 


1. Attend the Welcome Back Event (Fall and Winter)

2. Participate in the Study Abroad Mentorship Program (Fall and Winter semesters)

3. Attend the Storytelling Workshop (Fall 2024)

4. Attend or tell a story at the Global Laker Story Slam (Fall 2024) 

5. Participate in our Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview Workshop (Winter only, March - exact date TBD)

6. Complete a day-long social media takeover (Anytime)

7. Participate in study abroad outreach tabling (Anytime): Contact [email protected] to schedule a time/date 

Submit a study abroad REFLECTION (Required in addition to three sponsored activities)

With the exception of the Study Abroad Mentorship Program, to receive your graduation sash, you must have participated in three events and submit the form 6-weeks prior to your graduation date. The free sash form for Winter 2024 has closed. Students can purchase a sash here with a student discount code. 


Traffic Myanmar

Share Your Story

分享你的留学经历是一个很好的方式来处理,反思和意义. 我们鼓励您与朋友和家人分享您的照片、视频和故事. 

You can also share your experience with the GVSU community! We are so excited to hear about your experiences abroad. 有很多方法可以分享你学到的东西,并激励其他学生出国:

Participate in the Global Laker Story Slam

  • 每年秋天,我们都会举办一场故事大满贯活动,让归国留学生和国际学生分享他们在国外的故事和经历. 在故事大满贯页面了解更多博天堂官方网页故事大满贯和我们的讲故事工作坊.

Share Photos:

  • 您可以成为PIC出版物,宣传材料或我们网站的特色摄影师. 

    Please remember to include:

    • Your name
    • Your contact information
    • The country/program the photos are from
  • Email photos to [email protected]

    IMPORTANT: 当您向GVSU提交图片或文章时,请填写以下版权声明表. 这将允许我们在我们的网站和留学目录中使用您的图片. Copyright Release Form

Share a Digital Reflection:



Share Your Story

Academic Credit for Partnership and External Programs

在你从课程返回后,你不会立即看到在GVSU的记录中记录的留学学分. You will see a grade of “X” for IS 380 for the semester you were abroad. In order to update your academic record at GVSU we will need:

  1. Your official transcript from your study abroad program
  2. All course equivalencies for the coursework you completed abroad

从你的留学项目结束到你的正式成绩单到达我们的办公室可能需要几个月的时间. If at any time, you wish to inquire about the status of your study abroad credits, you can contact Jamie Pleyte,  [email protected]

Transcript Tips:

  • 请确认您的项目将把您的官方留学成绩单发送到帕德诺斯国际中心, LOH 130. 成绩单直接发送到记录办公室将导致您的留学学分转移延迟.
  • If you are concerned about eligibility for upcoming registration at GVSU. 你可以询问你的项目是否可以加快你的成绩单,这样你在GVSU的学习成绩就能在你即将到来的一年的正式注册日期之前反映你的课程注册资格.

Course Approvals:

  • If you need to request GVSU equivalencies for courses you took abroad, follow the instructions on our Course Approval page.
Bridge in Ireland

Students overlooking water

Issues Credit

You can receive Issues credit for coursework taken abroad. 资格要求和说明可在我们的问题部分 General Education page.

Returnee Resources

从海外留学项目回国的过程可能充满挑战. Most students experience a transition as they re-adjust to life at home. 如果你发现你正在经历重大的挑战,影响你在学校的表现, your social life, or your ability to engage in other areas of your life, we encourage you to connect with the University Counseling Center for support.

帕德诺斯国际中心在整个学年为归国留学生组织各种各样的活动. You will receive email updates about upcoming events as a study abroad alum.


As you prepare to leave your host country, check out this article on How to End Your Study Abroad Experience on the Right Foot

Are you experiencing some setbacks in your adjustment after studying abroad? Check out this article on 10 Tips for When You're Feeling Depressed After Studying Abroad

Check out the Re-Entry Blog from Small Planet Studio 各种各样的故事,从学生在国外留学后过渡到国内的生活.

Students Mountain Climbing in Chile

Get Involved

Share your experience studying abroad with other students, 在GVSU和你的社区中找到参与全球问题和对话的方法, and meet other students who studied abroad.


Uniting Nations

Uniting Nations, formally known as Bringing Together the World (BTW), 是一个将国际学生聚集在一起的多元化学生组织吗, past study abroad participants and anyone interested in global topics. 联合国旨在让GVSU的学生参与到国际社会中来, both locally and globally. 

Members are involved in several projects including:

  • Intercultural Festival
  • International Student Welcome and Orientation (PEEPS)
  • International Education Week
  • Community outreach 
  • Other social and professional events

Join Uniting Nations on LakerLink to receive updates on meetings & events!  

For more information contact: [email protected] or Andres Ortiz-Estevez ([email protected])

Bringing Together the World (BTW)


Study Abroad Fair Volunteer

PIC每学期赞助一次海外留学博览会,向GVSU社区推广海外机会. 交易会的成功在很大程度上取决于归国留学生的参与. 在我们的展会上,通过自愿与有兴趣出国留学的学生交谈,与他人分享你的经历!

Volunteering Contact: Padnos International Center

Volunteer Sign-up



Peer Study Abroad Adviser Positions

帕德诺斯国际中心每年都有几个留学顾问的职位空缺. 如果您有兴趣在我们办公室寻找工作机会,请博天堂官方 Meaghann Smith at (616) 331-3898 or email at [email protected]. For students interested in becoming Peer Advisors, please click the link below to access our online application. 


Peer Advisers

Student in Peru

More Opportunities Abroad

Take advantage of opportunities to go abroad again. As a GVSU student you can study abroad up to four times! 

There are many additional opportunities to go abroad after you graduate. Are you thinking of graduate school? Consider completing a Master's Degree Abroad.

Regardless of your major, there are many opportunities to Teach Abroad.

The Office of Fellowships博天堂官方网页毕业后出国的资助机会的信息吗.


Career Resources

你的海外经历对雇主来说是没有价值的,除非你能说明它是如何让你成为一个更好的人的, scholar, citizen, and professional. 阅读我们的指南,学习如何将你的海外学习或实习经历融入你的简历,以及如何在面试中传达你的国际经验的重要性, at a career fair, during informational interviews, and on social media sites.

Next Steps

Suggestions from Study Abroad Alumni


International Graduation Sash

出国留学的学生可以通过Vision Wear购买留学腰带,佩戴在毕业典礼上. 绶带上有一个符号,代表你所学习的国家的国旗.


Deadline: April 19, 2024

IMPORTANT: You must use your email address to activate the coupon code.

Each email address will only be allowed to make one purchase. 请确保至少提前两周订购,以便送货上门. 


Questions? Contact Vicki Wenger ([email protected])

Page last modified September 20, 2024