
University Marketing is a service unit under the University Relations Di愿景. Our mission is to serve Grand Valley State University by providing tools to enhance the image and visibility of the university.


Collaborating with University Marketing on communications projects is beneficial in several ways:

  • The project will integrate with Grand Valley's overall marketing plan, which will help strengthen both the university's image, as well as your own.
  • Our experienced and skilled staff can produce an exceptionally high-quality piece that will accomplish its intended purpose.
  • You will be free of the responsibility and stress of managing the piece's production.
  • Your organization will save the cost of hiring an outside design firm or using your internal resources to complete the project.

Integrated marketing planning

One of the responsibilities of University Marketing is to provide tools to enhance the image and visibility of the university. We do this through integrated marketing, meaning everyone throughout the university works together to convey clear messages about Grand Valley that underscore its mission, 愿景, 值, and strategic goals in everything we say, do, 和发送.

University Marketing conducts research to determine current perceptions and preferred characteristics and then determines what messages the university should communicate based on its missions, 愿景, 值, and strategic goals. Communications plans are developed to deliver these messages and then evaluated to be sure the intended audiences are receiving the messages.

University Marketing offers consulting services for designing and implementing departmental marketing plans that derive from the institutional integrated marketing plan.

University Marketing oversees and funds marketing research that benefits the entire university.

网络site design and application development

The 网络 team in University Marketing designs and develops the primary website for the university, as well as the content management system (CMS) that allows departments to easily maintain their websites for accessible user interaction on desktop and mobile devices. 了解 Grand Valley’s 网络 standards here.

University Marketing also helps departments simplify complicated workflows by developing custom web applications. Examples include admissions applications, e-Benefits, seminar 登记, and the online curriculum development system (Sail).

We also provide templates for and assistance with email newsletters, 在线表单, 登记, 和电子商务.

Branding and identity

Grand Valley's "brand" is our promise to our audiences based on the university's mission, 愿景, 值, and strategic goals. Much research and discussion resulted in very defined messages about Grand Valley. Our trademarked logo is the symbol of our brand. The messages and the logo must be used consistently to strengthen our image. 找到 Grand Valley's messages and logo standards here.

Publications and visual materials

截至2020年5月, in order to reduce printing costs and save paper, Grand Valley issued a directive to move all printed communications to digital formats. All exceptions must be approved by the Vice President of a requestor's di愿景.

The university offers a number of cost-effective and simple alternatives to traditional printed marketing materials. These options provide more opportunity to change and update messaging and save printing time and costs.

All of these options are economical, they meet Grand Valley’s accessibility benchmarks, they are more timely than print, and there is no waste. Most include analytics tools to measure effectiveness. These digital options are already accepted as best practices at universities across the state and around the country. 

A limited number of pieces will be allowed to be printed, but only after the approval  of a vice president or dean. Please contact University Marketing to discuss if you have need for a printed piece.

Image/awareness and recruitment advertising

The university uses advertising for the purpose of enhancing its image, creating awareness, and promoting enrollment. Our current vehicles include print, 网络, 直接邮寄, as well as outdoor tactics and social media.

If you would like us to create an advertisement at no cost, please allow two weeks. (You will be charged for placement costs.) All advertising should be sent to University Marketing for review before it is printed or posted.

Page last modified May 3, 2023