奖助金 & 奖学金


The English Department currently offers the following student grants:

罗伯特·L. 张伯伦奖学金

罗伯特·L. 张伯伦,Ph值.D.他是雪城大学的教授.  Bob was a pioneer faculty member of the English Department, a chair of the Department as well as the Division of Arts and Humanities; he published articles on D.H. 劳伦斯和F. Scott Fitzgerald and a book on the 18th century poet George Crabbe.  他热爱所有的艺术, 演奏钢琴, 参加戏剧演出, 还涉猎绘画和诗歌.  鲍勃于1982年死于癌症.  The scholarship was established in his memory by his Grand Valley friends.

罗伯特·L. 张伯伦奖学金 is a tuition scholarship for junior English majors demonstrating excellence in writing. (Amount varies on foundation earnings: estimated scholarship amount $1000).


  • 学生必须是英语专业的
  • Students must have junior status, with 55-84 credit hours completed
  • 学生必须至少有3分.0的绩点
  • 学生必须是全日制的
  • 经济需要可能会被考虑在内


Each student must submit a short letter explaining why he or she qualifies for this scholarship; two pieces of writing, 一个班至少一个. Student packets are due to the Student Scholarship Committee. 截止日期是3月. The 张伯伦奖学金 will be awarded at the English Department Awards Ceremony in April. 

吉尔伯特R. 帕特丽夏·K. 戴维斯奖学金

吉尔伯特R. 戴维斯,Ph值.D.韦恩州立大学.  Gil was a chair of the Department as well as past president of the 密歇根 chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, an active participant in the West 密歇根 Opera Society, 两次成为富布赖特学者.  Gil's research and publications were not limited to any one area.  吉尔以其独立而深刻的思想而著称.  他和他的妻子, 帕特里夏·戴维斯, 他的奖学金上有谁的名字, live in Grand Rapids where they continue to be active in community affairs.

吉尔伯特R. 帕特丽夏·K. 戴维斯奖学金 is a tuition scholarship for part- or full-time junior and senior English majors. (Amount varies on foundation earnings: estimated scholarship amount $1500.)


  • Recipients should be accepted for or currently enrolled at GVSU
  • 必须是本科生吗
  • Must be a resident of 密歇根 who have completed 30 credit hours earned at GVSU
  • 必须是大三或大四的英语专业. 
  • 累积平均绩点必须达到3分.0或更大
  • Must be enrolled either part-time or full-time, but priority is given to part-time students 


Applications are due to the Student Scholarship Committee (210 LHH) by March.  Applicants should also submit a one-page statement describing why they chose to major 用英语.  The Davis Scholarship will be awarded at the English Department Awards Ceremony in April. 


新专业英语教师奖学金 is awarded to two English majors annually.  奖学金金额各不相同.


  • 申请时已申报英语专业
  • Currently enrolled student with fewer than 60 credit hours completed (first or second-year student) during semester of application
  • 累计2.平均成绩5分或以上
  • 第一代大学生


  • 非官方的GVSU成绩单(可从myPath获得)
  • 学术写作样本, 至少三页的长度, submitted for a class during your first year or sophomore year
  • A brief essay of between 100-200 words (1-2 paragraphs) in length explaining why you are applying for the English Faculty Scholarship and should you receive the award, how it will assist you in achieving your academic goals

申请材料截止日期为3月. They will be reviewed by the English Faculty Scholarship Committee, and finalists will be interviewed for the award by committee members. Scholarship winners will be notified in early April and honored at the English Awards Ceremony in April.

Dr. 安德鲁·米.C. 布朗纪念英语奖学金

安德鲁·米.C. 布朗,Ph值.D.他是抹大拉学院的.  Dr. Brown was an outstanding visiting lecturer 用英语 literature from Cambridge University, 英格兰, 在1970-71学年.  He was sponsored at Grand Valley State College by the now-late Professor 罗伯特·L. 我是英语系的张伯伦.  In addition to his devotion to English and American literary traditions, Dr. Brown also possessed an eclectic interest in world literature.  Dr. Brown passed away from cancer in January 2014 at the age of 63 after a distinguished career as an editor and publisher at Cambridge University Press.

This scholarship was created to assist students majoring 用英语 with Language and 文学 emphasis with the cost of their education.


  • Candidates should be accepted or currently enrolled at GVSU
  • Must be a senior with a declared major 用英语 with Language and 文学 emphasis
  • Student(s) must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.3或以上
  • Preference will be given to students intending to pursue an advanced English degree. 经济需要可能会被考虑, as evidenced by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

续期标准:该奖学金不可续期.  奖励金额各不相同.  截止日期为3月1日.


The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage and reward students majoring 用英语 (with Language and 文学 or Secondary Education emphasis) who demonstrate an interest in American 文学.

*be accepted for or currently enrolled at 大峡谷州立大学 (GVSU)
*be an undergraduate junior or senior enrolled full-time or part-time with a major 用英语 with Language and 文学 or Secondary Education emphasis
*be meeting satisfactory academic progress (http://educationalpartnerships.azarnewsonline.com/financialaid/satisfactory-academic-progress-sap-17.htm)

Preference will be given to students who demonstrate an interest in American 文学.

经济需要可能会被考虑 and will be demonstrated by the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

This scholarship may be renewed with reapplication provided the recipient continues to meet the qualifications. This scholarship may be awarded to an individual for a maximum of 4 semesters.
